In the heart of Derby, amidst the vast expanse of the Kimberley region, Nelletta, a proud Nyikina woman, embarked on a journey fueled by dedication, graduating the CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.
The Mary MacKillop Today Scholarship played a pivotal role in Nelletta's journey, offering financial assistance, flexibility, and support, nurturing her mental well-being, and alleviating some of the pressures of studying, such as Course fees. She completed her CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care in 2023 and is now extending her studies into the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.
Reflecting on her experience, Nelletta encourages others to seize the opportunity presented by the Mary MacKillop Today Vocational Scholarship. "Go for it!" she exclaims, emphasising the comprehensive support our Aboriginal Training Services (ATS) team has provided her. It's not just about the financial support; it's about taking a huge step towards a brighter future.
Throughout her journey, Nelletta was so grateful for the support she received, particularly from her lecturer, Nel Williams. Nel's guidance and understanding, rooted in cultural respect, instilled confidence in Nelletta, reinforcing her belief in her abilities.
Nelletta's aspirations extend beyond personal achievement. She embodies the spirit of empowerment and resilience, with her sights set on completing her studies and utilising her knowledge to benefit her community. "Change starts with you. Be that change and start breaking the cycle in your life, your home, and your community." She urges aspiring peers to embark on their own educational journeys, regardless of age or circumstance.
As Nelletta continues her pursuit of knowledge, her story is a testament to the transformative power of education and the importance of support systems in realising your dreams. Through the Mary MacKillop Today Vocational Scholarship, she has been granted the means to pursue her passion and constantly inspires others to pursue a brighter future through education.